Friday, February 4, 2011

Master Numbers 11 - 99

Master Numbers 11 - 99

When an individual’s birth date or name adds up to 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, or 99, he or she was born with a spiritual gift. These dual numbers of magnified power are often referred to as “testing numbers”. An individual will spend a lifetime trying to master these numbers that resonate at higher frequencies than the single root numbers 1 through 9. Individuals with master numbers appear to be on another wave length, and incorporate into consciousness their version of truth. Many children with ADD and bipolar disorder are the inheritors of these high energy numbers.

Born with brilliant, inventive minds, these children are victims of a thought - controlled educational system designed for rote learning. Many of these children excel in the arts and mystical sciences. By kindergarten, children should be required to take aptitude tests that include analysis of both astrological and numerological testing, so as to find one’s niche early in life, instead of spending years floundering in the dark, withdrawn, anxious, and depressed.

At childhood, master numbers are harder to incorporate, as it takes years to master these energies. One late bloomer was Albert (22) Einstein, considered to be learning disabled as a teenager. Many brilliant minds are thought of as inferior.

Master number 77’s and 88’s carry the extra burden of dealing with karmic numbers 14 (7 + 7) and 16 (8 + 8). As mentioned earlier, karmic numbers are responsible for the individual finding himself in fateful circumstances, which repeat under different guises until the karmic lesson is learned, purging the individual from negative past life patterns, uniting him with cosmic law.

Some believe that individuals with master numbers are old souls, who are here to speed the evolution of mankind by bridging the gap between heaven and earth.

Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates have an unusual amount of master numbers written within their numerological charts, along with Jesus, Buddha, Nicola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Srinivasa Ramanujan, (mathematical genius) Robert Moog and Bono of U2.


  1. interesting and mine all put together is 33 but i don't think that any person with single digit numbers are less fortune, but they may be more ignored, addicted to materialistic thoughts and i am helping my humans to raise and realize their inner dimensional lives. Point is it may help to understand once purpose but i believe we dimensional stars are illogical beings and one should not confirm to particular numbers but must raise beyond their consciousness for greater good. Hopefully people are awakening and children are fallowing right path.

  2. Cool, .. Fan of Nikola Tesla :) so much resonate

  3. I am always searching online for storys that can accommodate me. There is obviously a multiple to understand about this. I feel you made few salubrious points in Attributes moreover. Detain busy, awesome career! angel number 1111

  4. Good blog post.I want to thank you for interesting and helpful information and I like your point of viwe. Thank you!
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  5. I am a master number 11 and I am very introverted and emotional. My daughter is master number 22 and she is the exact opposite.
