Friday, February 4, 2011

Look at the unusual amount of 6's contained within Brian Eno’s numerological chart. Eno was born an artist.

15 = (1 + 5) = 6 birthday
1968 = 24 = (2 + 4) = 6 life path

Brian Eno (6 common name) was born Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno (6 birth name). Brian Eno was born (6 birth name) and destined (3 destiny) to be an artist.

Brian Eno studied at the Winchester School of Art. Eno is an accomplished keyboard player and music producer whose musical talents are reflected in his art and the number 6. Here is an individual with the potent, singular energy of a visionary artist, which in fact, Eno is. Numerologists consider Brian Eno to be one of today’s hottest six symbols.

It is not surprising that Eno finds himself on board with U2, one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

The “Unforgettable Fire”, which was produced by Brian Eno, is a timeless masterpiece.

Eno also helped produce the award-winning “Joshua Tree” and

“Zooropa” for which he won best British producer category in 1994

Flood helped produce “Zooropa and “Pop

The interest of 666 referring to the devil is correct that 6 is ruled by the planet Venus (beautiful things) but lets leave the devil out of this one as 666 = 18 referring to the repressed contents of the unconscious mind which must be
brought towards conscious light. Edgar Cayce (March 18th) was born on the Osho Zen Past Lives Card

Pink Floyd Members
Sid Barratt - Jan. 6th
David Gilmour - March 6th
Roger Waters - Sept. 6th

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